Capacity Development
Capacity Development Department
ACBAR and its members have always been committed to enhance the quality of humanitarian activities. A major challenge which continuously influences the quality of NGOs activities is the weak capacity of NGOs staff, particularly at a province level. Hence, ACBAR has taken the initiative to develop training modules and conduct capacity building throughout Afghanistan.
In order to achieve this important objective, ACBAR has a Capacity Building Department which implements 3 capacity building projects in Kabul and in the provinces, funded by Japan Partners, UNEP and DFID.
The Afghan Civil Society Support Initiative (Funded by AAR Japan, JVC and Peace Winds Japan)
The aim of the program is to strengthen the work of the civil society actors in order to expand services into provinces and districts through coordination, capacity building; learning and training, in order to enhance their ability to efficiently and effectively address basic needs and protect the rights of Afghans.
The trainings are conducted in Kabul as well as provinces selected on a needs assessment.
The training team consists of 3 trainers, M&E Manager,Training Manager Assistant, SFAN Project M&E Officer and is managed by the Capacity Development Manager.
Training monitoring and evaluation
Evaluation of training is one of the main components of a training program. It will not only provide the trainer with useful information in order to further improve the training course, but also creates an impression of completeness.
Read the training evaluation reports of ACBAR:
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Training Subjects
Project Design: Building intervention logic
- Understand and analyze a problematic context using various PCM tools (stakeholder analysis, problem tree)
- Identify different operational strategies according to the context’s opportunities and risks (solutions tree, multi-scenario planning)
- Plan an intervention using the logical framework approach
- Evaluate necessary resources (budget, project team, materials) in line with project objectives
- Design a monitoring system in line with project indicators and donor requirements
- Work with a variety of donors (funding opportunities, similarities and differences in proposal formats, structure of the proposal format)
- Play an active role in writing chapters in a proposal
Introduction to Climate Change ( From Science to Action in Afghanistan)-UNEP
The objective of the training is to support Afghan NGOs/CSOs at national and provincial levels, to better understand, Climate Change from science to action to consider it in their interventions, and to contribute in building adaptation and mitigation capacity in country. This training course enables to understand:
- The main causes of global climate change and the likely impacts in Afghanistan and community.
- How to mitigate the GHGs emissions
- What are the adaptation methodologies to the climate change
- Raising awareness on the recognition and respect of the vulnerability at community level to the impacts of climate change.
Managing a Team According to Project Objective
- Identify at least five elements that distinguish high performance teams
- Better evaluate their own role and that of others, in the teams they are part of,
- Recognize the importance of having a clear final objective as a key element for mobilizing teams,
- Apply leadership strategies to foster change and innovation more effectively,
- Understand basic notions of organizational learning and recognize its importance in developing high performance teams,
- Utilize basic dialogue tools for more effective coordination within their teams.
Humanitarian Access in Situations of Armed Conflict & Humanitarian Principles.
The ongoing conflict in Afghanistan is a challenge for humanitarian actors and humanitarian access; this challenge is compounded by a lack of familiarity among parties to the conflict and the humanitarian actors about the international legal standards pertaining to humanitarian access in situations of armed conflict.
Afghanistan is a party to the four Geneva Conventions of 1949 and to Additional Protocol II 1977. Based on the Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocol II, the parties to the conflict have a responsibility to facilitate humanitarian access for the people who are in need. Article 3, common to the four Geneva Conventions of 1949, establishes minimum standards that parties, including State and non-State actors shall, respect in non-international armed conflicts. Civilian casualties and violation against different civilian groups, including national and international NGOs, UN agencies and other Humanitarian Agencies is a big challenge today in Afghanistan.
By conducting trainings on Humanitarian Access in Situation of Armed Conflicts & Humanitarian Principles the participant’s capacity will be built on the legal framework of humanitarian access in situation of armed conflict.
Project Cycle Management
A training module developed by ACBAR, mainly discussing on method of data collection, data analysis, report writing and decision making. The training will enable the trainees to:
- Decide what kind of data to collect for each project cycle phase (initial assessment, design, monitoring and evaluation)
- Plan and carry out assessments by using different data collection methods and tools
- Analyze data with different methods (statistics, participatory, problem tree, etc.).
- Identify relevant information and contribute to different kinds of project cycle reports (initial assessment, design, monitoring and evaluation)
- Summarize findings to inform the decision-making process.
Labor Law 2008
The Afghan Constitution provides for the right to work. The Afghan Labor Law was endorsed by the government in 2008. Rights, responsibilities and other social insurances of national and international employees are organized by Labor Law.
This training will build and enhance the knowledge and capacity of participants on some specific issues related to labor law such as; work permit, vocations, working times, recruitment conditions, compulsory work, probationary period, range of salary, financial compensation related to work, pension and labor associations.
NGO Law 2005
NGOs Law was ratified by Afghan Government in 2005 and published in official Gazette. Afghan NGOs law organizes issues related to national and international NGOs, their rights, responsibilities and relations with the government. The condition of establishing an NGO, the registration authority, using from assets, unauthorized activities for NGOs, NGOs statute, financial resources, audit, reporting to Ministry of Economy, are the important issues described by NGOs law. By conducting trainings on NGOs law, participant will get deep knowledge on their rights and responsibilities against NGOs law.
Income Tax Law 2009
The Afghan Income Tax law was ratified by the government in 2009. The most important issues which are related to NGOs in income tax law are financial year, tax of national and international NGOs, Tax exemption, annual salary and tax statement, tax from the foreign citizen’s employment, conditions for using tax exemption, tax penalty if the tax statement is not prepared and tax identification number. These are the issues that NGOs staff has a crucial need to build and enhance their capacity and increase the quality and transparency of their official activities.
Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct is a set is of shared norms, principles and values that aim to guide the conduct of NGOs in Afghanistan. Any NGO operating in Afghanistan and registered with the Ministry of Economy is eligible to sign the Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct is consisting of general principles, operating principles, code of observance and an annex. The code was recently revised by member NGOs and republished in to three languages (Dari, Pashto and English).